Fliteboarding is quiet above the water, and has an underwater acoustic profile that is significantly less than the smallest petrol marine motor.
The patented fuselage has a quite in-line motor design. Being the smallest diameter motor on the market at 60mm, it has the highest hydrodynamic efficiency.
Every new Fliteboard release, has been quieter, more efficient, more sustainably manufactured and with less of an overall footprint.
Fliteboarding helps create a future of quiet electric marine vehicles for river enjoyment and water transport, whilst ensuring cleaner waterways and a healthier ocean.
ozfoiling ~ authorised fliteschool
We give people the experience of wonder and appreciation, promoting care for the environment and sensitivity for the river and other users.
We encourage minimalism in how we approach the places we Fliteboard. Most lessonsare only for 1 or 2 people and the largest group is 4 + instructor.
Generally we have only 1 or 2 lessons in one spot on a given day.
Our Fliteboard lessons and tours are in rivers and the ocean from Arrawarra to South West Rocks minimising the physical and social presence on any one spot.
We teach users waterway rules and how to be courteous around other water way users.
Ozfoiling’s Fliteschool means more people are introduced to doing the right thing.
Boat & jetski, wake, noise, and fuel have a big impact on the river and its banks.
Fliteboard’s though, lightly move through their environment, no fuel! , no wake!, minimal sound!, promoting care & connection!
“Fliteboards are possibly the worlds most efficient and environmentally friendly, powered marine vehicles.”